Thursday, 29 September 2022

Seashell Girl

Just thought I'd show you this bust I made for my daughter last Christmas. I only got around to photographing it today. I can remember that it took ages to stick the shells on. It was really tricky getting them to fit together in a pleasing way. I actually made the porcelain head itself years ago and it only took me about 6 years or so to decide what to do with it...!

Saturday, 17 September 2022

Papier Mache Trojan Horse

Yet another Trojan Horse! This is quite a large one, approx 50cms x 50cms. It's made from paper mache and a few metal elements. I haven't done much papier mache before and I learned a lot making this horse. I would probably make another one slightly differently but he came out ok. Luckily my sister took a fancy to him so he's gone to live with her. 

Thursday, 15 September 2022

More Trojan horses

Before Stephen got too ill, we used to sit at the kitchen table and make stuff out of clay. It was a distraction from everything that was going on at the time. I got a bit obsessed with making Trojan horses. Here are a few more which I made at that time. They were fired for me by the lovely Dawn at Stroud Pottery. 

Stoneware with oxides (30 x 28 x 10 cms)

Terracotta earthenware with oxides (29 x30 x8 cms)

Glazed Stoneware (22 x 28 x 8 cms)

Monday, 12 September 2022

Shoe people - cheeky chappies

I finished these little chaps the other day. I made the heads ages ago but only recently had an idea what to do with them.

They are about 28cms tall. The heads are high-fired porcelain, the bodies are vintage shoe stretchers plus buttons, washers, carpet tacks, reclaimed wood, icing nozzles... and they wobble slightly when moved which is fun (because small shoe trees/stretchers like these are made with sprung steel).

Thursday, 8 September 2022

SING with Pat McDonald!

I have just been visiting my lovely friend Pat Mcdonald and I took the opportunity to photograph a little artist's book which I gave her for her birthday a couple of months ago. I forgot to do it at the time. She was quite unwell earlier this year but she always found that being near the sea made her feel so much better. And she does love to sing!

It's like my other little accordian folded books, SWIM and Ladies of Twose (see posts in May 2016) in that it is made using collagraph prints and hand coloured elements. The book is about 12.5cms x 11cms when closed (66cms opened out).

Wednesday, 7 September 2022

Sculpture selected for 169th RWA Open!

I am really pleased that one of my Trojan Horse sculptures, Shielding III, has been selected for this years RWA Open exhibition. It is a wonderful boost to my tentative efforts at starting up my art practice again after all that has happened.
This was the first one of several Trojan Horses I've made recently. It is glazed stoneware clay and measures 23 x 32 x 10 cms.

Tuesday, 6 September 2022

Stephen John Brooking - Sculptor and Teacher (among many other things..) 1956 - 2021

I wanted to start off my blog again by showing you some of Stephens artwork. He very rarely exhibited his ceramics and other work but he was an amazing sculptor as well as an excellent art tutor. He was also a dear, dear man whom I miss every day. As I start my own practice again after a long break, I am using some of his tools and materials. I feel like he is encouraging me and telling me that I can do it, even though he is not physically here to consult or guide me. 

Stephen was also good at making things on the wheel and I have lots of bowls and dishes which I use all the time some of which are pictured also.