Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Red Riding Hood Pieta

Just got time to show you one last drawing before I'm away for a two or three weeks - first to London then to beautiful North Devon. I'm hoping to go to lots of exhibitions and to take lots of photos and return with lots of ideas ready to start back at university in September.

Charcoal and chalk on card (30 x25 inches)

This recent drawing is fairly large, but it is of a quite small sculpture of Red Riding Hood which I made last semester. As you can see, the composition was based on the huge statue of the Pieta by Michaelangelo which is the most well known depiction of mourning I could think of.

Below are a few photos of my little 3D piece itself.
The wolf, the doll and the tree stump are made of porcelain and the clothing is cotton stiffened with PVA. It's about 7 inches tall.