Friday, 27 April 2012

WINAPRINT Pushing Print fundraising event

Pushing Print is a not-for-profit organisation set up to promote and raise awareness of traditional and contemporary printmaking. They do this by hosting a month long printmaking festival in Margate which includes the Open Submission Print Exhibition.

A couple of months ago they asked if I would donate a print for their fundraising WINAPRINT event. They've just e-mailed me to say the website is up and running and ready for business. All the prints can be viewed at Only £10 per ticket.

Last year these two collagraph prints of mine were selected for the Pushing Print Open Submission exhibition when Anne Desmet was one of the judges. You can see the rest of the series on my Gallery page.

Meditations on Intimacy and Solitude I
Meditations on Intimacy and Solitude II